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OUR MODEL. 485 'arced interpretations, but natural de- ductions. The Almighty is consistent in all his operations. They always exhibit simpli- city and economy. He never works a superfluous miracle. There is also analogy in his works. Christ wrought miracles to relieve the bodily wants of the poor; he works miracles for them no-longer, he turns them over to the rich. He wrought miracles on the first conversion of the heathen ; He works miracles for them no longer, he now turns them over to Christians. He resigns to human agency, under his blessing, to provide for the spiritual wants of the ignorant, as well as fbr the temporal wants of the indigent. Christianity and, riches are deposited in the hands of Christians, for the more general dispersion of both to the respect- ively destitute. And when, if ever, through the un- merited mercy of God, that glorious and devoutly desired day shall arrive, which warms the heart even in the distant per- )7 3