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486 THE LORD'S PRAYER spective of prophecy, when nation shall no more rise against nation, and they shall learn war no more ; what is so likely to hasten that triumphant period, what is so likely to turn the sword into the pruning-hook, and to establish lasting peace throughout the world, as that spi- rit of love and concord which the uni- versal diffusion of gospel light is calcu- lated to impart ? What is so likely to produce charity among all the children of the same common Father, as when subjects as well as sovereigns of every clime and colour, people and language, shall be brought to know God, from the greatest to the least ? Those admirable institutions, whose object it is to lead to thi§ blessed consum- mation, have already enlarged the bor- ders of Christian charity to an almost indefinite extent, by bringing into con- tact from every point of the compass, and from almost every city in the civilized world, Christians who had not so much as heard of each other's existence ; it has