More - PR3605 .M6 M5 1820

OUR MODEL. 487 already shewn them that whatever dif ference of education and of government, whatever modifications of opinion had hitherto divided them, the great funda- mental principles of love to .God, of faith in his Son, and charity to the souls of men, are, at length, beginning to draw them into a nearer connection. These general principles of agreement, are al- ready bringing into one point of union persons whom difference of sentiment had kept asunder as widely as seas had separated, and are the only means, as far as human penetration can foresee, of drawing the cords of amity into still closer bonds. Already, even in the early stage of this vast enterprise, may we not perceive that it has had a considerable share in promoting mutual good-will, reciprocal kindness, and growing confidence, and this with foreigners, who, though they had subdued their enmity, might not so soon have conquered their jealousy? Has it not a. powerful tendency to cure any Y 4