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488 THE LORD'S PRAYER remaining distrust, to confirm good faith) to promote confidence and attachment between nations, whose respect was not, perhaps, altogether untinctured with sus- picion ? May it not break down the wall of partition, which has so long kept us asunder ? May it not bring those who were aforetime separated in heart as well as country, to unite in Christian brother- hood, till we become at length of one mind in doctrine, as we already are in regard to this institution ? May not the probable results of this Christian con- federacy become a ratification between monarchs, firmer than any political com- pact, stronger than any diplomatic con: vention ? For is it not an instrument of confederation of which the GREAT SEAL IS THE WORD OF GOD ? Does it not em- brace the two sublime objects of the song of the angelic hosts, by uniting " glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace and good-will toward men ?" For what means, we repeat, are so likely to bring churches, who have been hitherto kept