More - PR3605 .M6 M5 1820

OUR MODEL. 489 in spiritual darkness, to a gradual and devoutly-desired reformation, as to dis- perse that darkness, as our being the honoured instruments of causing the'full beams of divine truth to shine more directlyupon them? To descend to the very minutest wheels . of this mighty engine ; - with whatever derision that which has been denominated popular charity may have been treated ; its inferior divisions have this advantage, that they set in motion the young and the poor. To the young female of fortune, this subordinate part of the great whole furnishes a kind of novitiate to her future and more ex- tended sphere of charity, for the details of which this sex has the most leisure. To the poor, like the admirable institu- tion of the Savings Bank, though for different purposes, it gives them a little and a safe lift in the scale of society. For will they not be less likely to follow in the turbulent train of the seditious demagogue, less disposed by his perni- . Y 5