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490 THE LORD'S PRAYER cious but persuasive outcry, to give their stated penny for the promotion of riot and the maintenance of rioters, when that penny has beenepre,engaged for the circulation of that Volume, which for- bids them to speak evil of dignities, which commands to avoid those who are given to change ; to work, to b.e quiet, to mind their own business ; which im- peratively says, I exhort that prayers and intercession be made for kings and all in authority ;" and above all, will not the Bible be the surest antidote against the infection of the poison contained in that profusion of books, pamphlets, and placards, which, without such a specific, threatens both our moral and political destruction. It is the nature of man to delight in party, he delights to belong to something, to hold to his fellow-creatures, though by the least and lowest link in the chain of society ; let us then take advantage of this his natural weakness. For is it not better to attach him to something that is