More - PR3605 .M6 M5 1820

.: OUR MODEL. 491 useful to himself and to others, that he may be less likely to be drawn into such schemes as are destructive of his tempo. ral, aswell as ofhis highest interests, and dangerous to the security of the state, and of the country. To be connected, though by the lowest and slightest tie, with his superiors, is to the:poor man at once an encouragement and a security. To belong to societies of which princes are the patrons, is at once a gratification and a guard ; for will not this connec- tion, remote as it may seem, confirm his abhorrence of those revolutionary so- cieties, whose aim is the overthrow of princes? Let us not then grudge to the poor, who have so few pleasures, that pure, and to them that hitherto untasted plea- sure, that almost .sacred feeling, how much more blessed it is to give than to receive. Let us not deny them the gra- tification of being humble contributors towards conveying that .word of life to others, by which their own souls have Y 6