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498 CONCLUSION. vation, he not only teaches truth, but is truth, he not only shews the way to hea- ven, but is the way, not only communi- cates light, but is light. When we reflect that even His incom- municable attributes are employed, in never-ceasing exercise for the common benefit and happiness of mankind, ador- ation is melted into gratitude. When we consider, that even His justice, that flam- ing sword which threatened our eternal exclusion from Paradise, the attribute at which the best may tremble, (for who is he that lives and sins not ?) is turned in our favour by the great propitiation made for sin ; that heart must be hard indeed, which is not softened into love. it is because we are so little accustomed to indulge these reflections, that our natural hardness acquires additional ob- duracy. Whatever good there is even in the renewed man, is but a faint adumbration of the perfections of God. The best created things, light itself, loose all their