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CONCLUSION+ 499 brightness, when compared with the un- created. glory from which all they have is borrowed. The heavens are not pure in His sight ; behold the moon, and it shineth not. He chargeth His angels with folly. The sublimest intellectual intelligencies, and the brightest visible operations of His power, are swallowed up in the contemplation of His underived original perfection. The foolishness of God is wiser than the wisdom of man, and the weakness of God is stronger than the strength of man. Yet though the highest conceivable created excellence is thrown into utter darkness, in the comparison with this surpassing splendour, yet these remote resemblances serve to convey some idea, but, oh, how weak! some reminding, but, oh, how inadequate ! some conception, but, oh, how faint ! of the Divine perfec- tions. Hence in the highest qualities of the best Christian we have a hint, a rudiment which serves to recall to our mind the