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500 CONCLUSION% Divine excellence, of which they are an emanation. We use it, not as a means of overvaluing the creature, but of raising our adoration of the infinite, inexhaust- ible, overflowing fountain of natural, intellectual, and spiritual good. Thus, though we cannot " search out the Almighty to perfection ;" yet these faint traces are constant intimations to us to imitate, in our low measure and degree, all the imitable attributes of Almighty goodness. He would never have said, " Be ye holy as I am holy," if holiness had been absolutely unattain- able. There must be an aim, however low, at this conformity to our Divine pattern. The life which the Lord. of glory con- descended to lead on earth, has intro- duced us to the nearest possible view of the Divine perfections, and exhibited a clearer prospect of the possibility of 'a closer imitation of them, than could have been conveyed to us by any other means. His actions are not merely objects of