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CONCLUSION. 501 human admiration. They all, with the exception of his miracles, imperatively demand to be imitated, as well as ad- mired. _ His meekness under reproaches the most contumelious ; His patience under sufferings the most exquisite ; His combination of active beneficence with unremitting devotion, - for, after days spent in successive acts of charity, He continued all night in prayer to God ; His union ofconstant self-denial, with un- wearied bounty ; His enduring hunger, who . could have relieved- it by one of those miracles so often performed for the relief of others ; His compassion for sin- ners joined with His hatred of sin ; His supplication for His enemies, extenuating their guilt by pleading their ignorance. " Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do !" If this religion be not practical, if this practice be not a pattern for ours, we know not what is. While we obey him then in praying for our fellow-creatures, let us remember that we must imitate his