502 CONCLUSION. Divine philanthropy in assisting them ; while we rank ourselves among his ad- mirers, by praising his excellencies, let us remember we shall only be known to be his disciples when we love one another. If good works then be indispensable, and if Faith be their great influencing principle, both must be kept alive and kept in exercise by the aliment of prayer. Prayer is the chain of communication with God himself; the readiest way to be assimilated to his likeness, the best means of promoting our conformity to His will, of advancing our love to Him and to each other. If we neglect prayer, we rot. urselves of the prescribed means of our serving him here, and of the fairest foretaste of that communion with Him, which will be our highest happiness here- after. The obedience of the heart which grows out of a sound faith, rooted good desires, well-weighed resolutions of fide- lity, formed in a higher strength than our own ; a belief in the sacred Scrip.