CONCLUSION. 507 But if it were as rough and thorny as those who have never tried it believe, it would be a sufficient apology fo'r volun- tarily encountering its hardships, that it is the only road to heaven. When the prosperous fool says, " Soul, take thine ease, thou hast much goods laid up for thee,"-the prosperous Chris- tian says, " Soul, tremble at thine ease, be on thy guard. Thou hast, indeed, much goods laid up for thee, but it is in a futureworld. Lose not a large inherit- ance for a paltry possession ; forfeit not an unalienable reversion for a life-inte- rest, -a life which this very night may be required of thee." Perhaps even the worldly and thought- less man, under an occasional fit of de- jection, or an accidental disappointment, may be brought to say, " When I am in heaviness, I will think upon God." - Oh, think upon Him now, -now, when you are in prosperity ; now, when your fortunes are flourishing ; now, when your hill is so strong that you think it shall z