514 CONCLUSION. sentence. Thus shall every condemned sinner " justify God in his saying, and clear him when he is judged." But though the anguish of an undone futurity, and the specific nature of the punishment, are exhibited with awful clearness and explicit exactness, in the Gospel ; how wisely has the Holy Spirit, who dictated it, avoided all particulars of that heavenly happiness which we are yet assured will be without measure and without end; -whilst the Elysian groves of the Pagan, and the Paradise of the Mahometan, have been graphically repre- sented, the former by their poets, the lat- ter in their religious code. The one de- scribes the inhabitants reposing in gloomy bowers in cheerless indolence ; with the alternative of a restless activity exercised in contemptible pursuits, and renewing on inferior objects the busy feats in which they had delighted here below ! The heroes, who during life had slaughtered men, make war on beasts ! The mighty warriors, who had made the earth to