516 CONCLUSION. know that they shall be for ever with the Lord ; and though it doth not yet appear what we shall be, yet we know that when he shall appear, we shall be like Him. In the vision of the Supreme Good, there must be supreme felicity. Our capacities of knowledge and hap- piness shall be commensurate with our duration. On earth, part of our enjoy- ment -a most fallacious part - consists in framing new objects for our wishes ; in heaven there shall remain in us no such disquieting desires, for all which can be found we shall find in God. We shall not know our Redeemer by the hearing of the ear, but we shall see him as he is ; our knowledge, therefore, will be clear, because it will be intuitive. It is a glorious part of the promised bliss, that the book of prophecy shall be realised; the book ofprovidence display- ed ; every mysterious dispensation un- folded, not by conjecture, but by vision. In the grand general view of Revelation, minute description would be below our 17*