Chap. III. The HISTORY of the PURITANS. 77 of an Englfh church; that many of them had fubfcribed to the ufe of Mary, the fervice book ; and that the departing from it at this time, was pouring VvV contempt on the martyrs, who were Pealing it with their blood. The others replied, that the laws of their country relating to the fervice book were repealed ; and as for their fubfcription, it could not bind them from making nearer approaches to the purity and fmplicity of the chriftian difpenfation, efpecially where there was no eftablifhed proteftant church in England, and they were in a ftrange country, where the veftments and ceremonies gave occafion of offence. Befides, it was allowed on all hands, that the book it felf was impeded; and it was credibly reported, . that the archbifhop of Canterbury had drawn up a form of common prayer, much more perfect, which he could not introduce, becaufe of the corruption of the clergy. As for difcipline, it was out of queftion that it was very defective, the fervice book it felf lamenting the want of it; and therefore they apprehended, that if the martyrs them- felves were in their 'circumftances, they would pradife with the like lati- tude, and reform thole imperfections in the Englifh fervice, which they attempted, but could not accomplifh in their own country. To return to Dr. Cox's congregation at Francfort : The doctor having 1557. fettledMr. Horn in the paftoral office, in the room of Mr. LYhitehead Congregation who refined after force time left the place. But within fix months a at Francfort igne , divideda fe- new divifion arofe among them, occafioned by a private difpute between coedTime. Mr. Horn the minifter, and Mr. Afby, one of the principal mem- bers. Mr. Horn fummoned Afhby . to appear at the veftry before the elders and officers of the church; Afhby appealed from them as par- ties, to the whole church, who appointed the caufe to be brought before them; but Mr. Horn and the officers protefting againft it, chofe rather to lay down their miniftry and fervice in the church, than fubmit to a po- pular decifion. The congregation being affembled on this occafion, gave it as their opinion, that in all controverfies among themfelves, and efpe- cially in cafes of appeals, the dernier refört fhould be in the people. It is hardly credible what heats and divifions, fadions and parties, there per- fonal quarrels occafioned among a handful of ftrangers, to the fcandal of religion and their own reproach, with the people among whom they fojourn'd. At length the magiftrate interpofed, and advifed them to bury The Megi. all 'part offences in oblivion, and to chofe new officers in the room of,/tratesad- thofe that had refigned ; and fence their difcipline was defective, as to the vice to them. points of controverfy that had already arofe, they commanded them to appoint certain perfons of their own number, to draw up a new form ofTheir new difcipline, or corred and amend the old one; and to do this before they book of dip chofe their ecclefaftical officers, that being all private perfons, they might cipline. agree upon that which was molt reafonable in it felf, without refpect of perfons or parties. This precept was delivered in writing, March aft,