Chap. IV. The HISTORY of the PURITANS. 8t C -H A P. 1V. From the beginning of queen EL I z A B E T H'S reign, to the feparationof the Proteftant Non-Conformifts. U EEN Elizabeth's accefilion to the crown, gave new life to the re- . wen formation: As loon as it was known beyond fea, moft of the exiles Elizabeth, returned; and thole who had hid themfelves in the houles of their friends 15ì began to appear ; but the publick religion continued for a time in the fame State of the peflure the queen found it : The popifh priefts kept their livings and went nation on celebrating mafs. None of the proteflant clergy, who had been e- je&ed, in the laft reign were ref1ored; and orders were given againft all innovations without publick authority. Though the queen had complied with the changes in her finer's reign, it is well known the was a favourer of the reformation but her majefty proceeded with great caution, for fear of railing difturbances in her infant government. No prince ever came to the crown under greater difad.vantages. The pope had pronounced her illegitimate; upon which the queen of Scots put in her claim to the crown. All the bill-lops and clergy of the prevent eflablifbment were her declared enemies. The nation was at war with France, and the treafury exhaufted; the queen therefore by the advice of her privy council, re- folved to make peace with her neighbours as foon as poffible, that the might be more at leifure to proceed in her intended alterations of religion, which though very confiderable, were not fo entire as the belt and molt learned proteftants of thefe.times defired. The queen inherited the fpirit of her father, and affeéted a great deal of magnificence in her devotions, as well as in her court. She was fond of many of the old rites and ceremo- nies in which the had been educated. She thought her brother had fiript religion too much of its ornaments; and made the dodtrines of the church too narrow in fome. points. It was therefore with difficulty that the was prevailed on, to go the length of king Edward's reformation. The only thing her majefty did before the meeting of the parliament; my?. Refor. was tó. prevent pulpit difpotes ; for tome of the reformed that had been Vol. II. preachers in king Edward's time, began to make ufe of his fervice book P' 316 without authority or licence from their fuperiors; this alarmed the popi(h clergy and gave occafion to a proclamation, dated Dec. ay. by which all Preaching preaching of minif.ers, or others, was prohibited ; and the people werefi'bòa charged to hear no. other doftrine or preaching, but the epiftle and gof VOL. M pel