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92 The HISTORYof the PURITANS. Chap. IV. Queen The rubrick that declared, that by kneeling at thefacrament no adoration ,Elizabeth, was intended to any corporalpr f nce of Chrill, was expunged. The corn- 'S` Sl mittee of divines left it at the people's liberty, to receive the facrament kneeling or ftanding, but the queen and parliament reftrain'dt,it to kneel- ing; fo that the enforcing this ceremony was purely an act of the (late. The old fe(tivals with their eves, and the popifh habits, were continued, as they were in the 2d year of king Edward VI. till the queen fhould pleafe to take them away ; for the words of the ftatute are, They(hall be re- tained till other order (hall be therein taken by authority of the queen's ma- jelly, with the advice of the commi/ioners, authorized under the great feal Strype's An of England for caufes ecclefiaflical. Some of the collefts were a little "a", 83. altered; and thus the hook was prefented to the two houles, and paffed into a law, being hardly equal to that which was fet out by king Ed- ward, and confirmed by parliament, in the fifth year of his reign. For whereas in that liturgy all the garments were laid afide, except the fur- plice, the queen now returned to king Edward's fiat book, wherein coyer and other garments were ordered to be riled. Att óf lint- The title of the act is, An all for the uniformity ofCommon Prayer, farmity. andfervice in the church, and adminiflration of the Sacraments. It was brought into the houfe of commons April r8. -and was read a third-time April 20. It paffed the houle of lords April 28. and took place from the 24th of June a 559. Heaths: archbifhopof York made an elegant fpeech againft it, in which among other things he obferves very juftly, That an aft of this confequence ought to have. had the confnt of the clergy in convocation, before it paffed into a law, "-Not only the ortho- " dox, but even the Arian emperors (fays he) ordered that points of " faith, fhould be examined in councils ; and Gallio by the light of na- " tore knew that a civil judge ought not to meddle with matters of re- -" ligion." But he was over-ruled ; the ad of fupremacy which paffed the houle the very next day (D'Ew's journal, p. 29.) having vetted this power in the crown. This ftatute lying open to common view at the -beginning of the Common Prayer book, 'tis not worth while to tranf- cribe it in this place. I (hall only take notice of one claufe, by which a'1 ecclefi:iftical jurifdiction was again delivered up to the crown " The queen is hereby empowered with. the advice of her commifiioners dr " metropolitan, to ordain anti publifh loch further ceremonies and rites, " as may be for the advancement of God'sglory, and edifying his church, " and the reverence of Chrift's holy myfteries and facraments." And had it net-been for this claufe, of a referve of power to make what alter- '* Strype rays there is fo much learning, and Such ftrokés therein, that we need not doubt but that it is hit. Arr. Ref. Vol. I. p. 73. The Speech itfelf is in his Appendix to An . Vol. I. N. 6. This prelate was always honourably efleemed by the queen, .and bótne- s our had thehonóur of a vifit from her. He Lved difcrcetly in his own boule, till by very age he it-patted this life, ifnnule, Vol. I. p. 143. ations