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9.4. The HISTORY of the PURiTANS. Chap. IV. `caen dlid the convocation move any further in matters of religion, it being ap- EI `'a_"'`1'' parent that they were againft the reformation. 1359 As foon as the fcfliions was ended, the oath of fupremacy was ten- P4pilk 1?i dct'd to the bithops, who all refufed it, (except Dr. Kitchen bifhop of ih" "''Ply- Lanciaff) to, the number of fourteen ; the reit of the fees being vacant. Of the deprived bitliops three retired beyond fea, (viz.) Dr. Pate bifhop of Worcefler, Scot of Cher, and Goldwell of St. llfaph ; Heath archbi- fhop of Ïbrk, was fuffered to live at his own houfe, where the queen went fometimes to vifit him ; Ton /íal and Tbirleby bithops of Durham and Ely, refided at Lambeth in the houle of Archbifhop Parker, with freedom and cafe ; the cell were fuffered to go at large upon their pa- role; only Bonner bifhop of London, White of Winche/ler, and Watfon of Lincoln, whofe hands had been deeply flamed with the blood of the pro- teltants in the late reign, were made dole prifoners; but they had a fuf- ficient maintenance from the queen. Mott of the monks returned to a fècular life; but the nuns went beyond fea, as did all others, who had a mind to live where they might have the free exercife of their religion. Several of the reformed exiles who were offered bifhopricks, refuted diem, on the account of the habits and ceremonies, &c. as Mr. White- head, Mr. Bernard Gilpin, old father Miles Coverdale, Mr. Knox, Mr. Tho. Sanpijon, and others. Many who accepted, did it with trembling; from the necefíïty of the times, and in hopes by their intereft with the queen, to obtain an amendment, in the conftitution of the church; a- mong thefe were Grindal, Parkhur/l, Sandys, Pilkington, and others. Thefees were left vacant for force time, to fee if any of the old bi- fhops would conform ; but neither time, nor any thing elfe, could move. .Confecrarlon them ; at length, after r 2 months, Dr. Matthew Parker was confecrated ofdbp. Par - archbifhop of Canterbury at Lambeth, by force of the bishops that had been deprived in the late reign, for not one of the prefent bithops would officiate. This, with force other accidents, gave rife to the Rory of his being confecrated at the Nag's.Head Tavern in Cbea fide, a fable that has L. of Par- been fufficiently confuted by our church hiftorians; ehe perfons concerned 6ó,6i 38' in the confecration, were Barlow and Scory bithops cleft Chichejier and Hereford ; Miles Coverdale the deprived bifhop of Exeter, and Hodgkins fuffragan of Bedford; the two former appeared in their chimere andfur- plice; but the two latter wore long gowns open at the arms, with a fall- ing cape on the fhoulders ; the ceremony was performed in a plain man- ner, without gloves or fandals, ring or flippers, mitre or pall, or even without anyof the Aaronical garments, only by impofition of hands and prayer. Strange! that the archbifhop fhould be fatisfied with this in his own cafe, and.yet be fo zealous to impofe the popifh garments . upon his brethren. But