roo ?he HISTORY of the PURITANS. Chap. IV. Artie. 30. i0 All archbifhops and bifhops, and all that preach or ad- minifter the facraments, or that (hall be admitted into any ecclefiaftical vocation, or into either of the univerfties, (hall wear fuch garments, and fquare caps, as were worn in the reign of king Edward VI. Artie. 33. " No perfon shall abfent from his parifh church, and re- fort to another, but upon an extraordinary occafion. Artic. 34. " No inn -holders or publick houfes, (hall fell meat or drink in time of divine fervice. Artie. 35. " None (hall keep in their houles any abufed images, tables, piétures, paintings, and other monuments of feigned miracles. Artic. 36. " No man (hall difturb the minifter in his fermon ; nor mock or make a jeft of him. Artie. 37. " No man, woman, or child, (hall be otherways bufied in time of divine fervice, but (hall give due attendance to what is read and preached. Artic. 40. " No perfon (hall teach fchool, but fuch as are allowed by the ordinary. Artic. 41. " School-mafters (hall exhort their children, to love and re.. verence the true religion, now allowed by authority. Artic. 42. " They (hall teach their fcholars, certain fentences of fcrip- tures, tending to godlinefs. Artie. 43. " None (hall be admitted to any fpiritual cure that are ut- terly unlearned. Artic. 44. " The parfon or curate of the parifh fhall inflruët the chil- dren of his parifh, for half an hour before evening prayer, on every holy day, and fecond Sunday in the year, in the catechifm, and (hall teach them the Lord's prayer, creed, and ten commandments. Artie. 45. " All the ordinaries (hall exhibit to the vifitors, a copy of the book containing the caufes, why any have been imprifoned, fa- mifhed, or put to death for religion, in the late reign. Artic. 46. " Overfeers in every parifh (hall fee that all the parifhión- ers duly refort to church ; ánd (hall prefent defaulters to the ordinary: Artic. 47. " Churchwardens (hall deliver to the queen's vifitors, an in- ventory of all their church furniture, as ve/lments, copes, plate, books, and efpecially of grayles, couchers, legends, procefonals, manuals, hym- nals, portuefiès, and fuch like, appertaining to the church. Artic. 48. " The litany and prayers fhall be read weekly on Wedneef- days and Fridays. "Vac. 49. "Singing men ¡hall be continued and maintained in collegiate churches, and there (hail be amodefl and diftinót Fong, fo ufed in all parts of the common prayers in the church, that the fame may be as plainly underflood, as if it were read without finging; and yet neverthelefs, for " the