Chap. IV. The HISTORY of the PURITANS. I I 7 vocation that favoured the reformation, yet they were fuch poor fcholars that many of them could hardly write their names. 1-T,54th; Indeed the reformation went heavily on. The queen could fcarce be ry perfuaded to part with images, or confent to the marriage of the clergy ; for the commanded that nohead or member of any collegiate or cathedral Queen averfe church, fhould bring a wife or any other woman within the precincts of C1e `mare :ed it, to abide in the fame, on pain of forfeiture of all ecclefiaftical promo- gy' tions: And her majefty would have abfolutely forbid the marriage of the L.ofParker, clergy, if fecretary Cecil had not brifkly interpofed. She repented that thep. 107. 109. had made any married men bithops ; and told the archbifhop in anger, that the intended to publifh other injunétions, which his grace under- Rood to be in favourof popery; upon which the archbifhop wrote to the fecretary, that he was lorry the queen's mind was fo turned ; but in fuch . a cafe he fhould think it his duty to obey God rather than man. Upon the whole, the queen inflead of improving her brother's reformation, often re- pented the had gone fo far. Her majefty's fecond parliament met the t2th of yanuary, in which a 1562. remarkable al± was paffed, For afurance of the queen's royal power over At7 of of' allElates and fubjeëls within her dominions. It was a confirmation of the.rance. ad of fupremacy. All perlons that by writing, printing, preaching. .. or teaching, maintained the pope's authority within this realm, in- " curred a pra:munire for the firft offence, and the fecond was high- « treafon. The oath of fupremacy was to be taken by all in holy orders, " by all graduates in the univerfities, lawyers, fchoolmaflers, and all " other officers of any court whatfoever; and by all knights, citizens,; " and burgefí'es in parliament." But the archbifhopby the queen's orderL. of Parker, wrote to the bithops, not to tender the oath but in cafe of necefty, and p. 126. never to preis it a fecond time without his fpecial direction.; fo that none of the popifh bithops or divines were burdened with it, except Bonner and. one or two more. The convocation was opened at St. Paul's the day-after the meetingof the convocation parliament. Mr. Dayprovoft of Eaton preached the fermon, and Alexander review the Newel dean of St. Paul's, was chofen prolocutor. Her majefly having.iherchur h. direaed letters of licence to review the, d©Qrine and difcipline of the church, they began with the do&rine, and reduced the 42 articles of king. Edward VI. to the number of 39, as at prefent, the. following articles being omitted; article 39. The refùrretll'ion.of the dead is not palled already. Article 40. The fouls of men deceajèd do neither perifh:with their bodies nor fleep idly. Article 41. Of the millenarians. Article42. All men not to be faved at la/t. Some of the other articles underwent a new divifion; two being joined into one, and -in other parts . one is divided into two; ,but, there is no remarkable variation in the doctrine. It