Neal - Houston-Packer Collection BX9333 .N4 1754 v1

Chap. IV. the HISTORY of the PURITANS. 1/ 9 of fupremacy, which lodged the ultimate power of determining mattersof jueett faith and difcipline in the crown, I muff leave with the reader. The Elizabeth, fynod it felf feemed tobe apprehenfive of the danger of apramunire, ands therefore,after their names thefe words were cautiously added, Ißa fib_ feriptio fàéla ell ab omnibus fub bac protejlatione, quod nihil flatuunt in prayudicium czjufquamfenatus confetti, fed tantum fùpplicem libellum petitio- nes fuas cpntinentem humiliter o$erunt, i. e. This fubfcription is made by all, with this proteflation, that they determine nothing in prejudice of any ad ofparliament, but only humbly offer this little book to the queen or parliament, containing their .requeftsand petitions. The articles were concluded, and the fubfcription finifhed, in the Theyarefub- Chapter-Haute of St. Paul's, yan. 3 r, ¡562. in the 9th fef ion of convoca-Bribed, tion. All the bifhops fubfcribed, except Gloucefler and Rochefler, who I Strype'S An, believe were abfent. Of the lower houfe there are upwards of an hundred P. 3 9 hands; but whatever their learning was, many of them wrote fo ill, that it is hard to read their names. Among the fubfcribers are feveral of the learned exiles, who were diffatisfied with the conftitution ; as, the reve- rend Mr. Befely, Watts, Mullyns, Cole, Sampfon, Pulían, Spencer, Wifdom, Newel, Beaumont, Beton, Peddar, Lever, Pownal, Wifn, Croley, and others. But the articles did not pats into a law, and become a part of the eftablifhment, till nine years after, though fome of the more rigid bifhops. of the ecclefiaftical commiifion infifted upon fubfcription from this time. The next confiderable affair that carne under debate, was the rites and Debate about ceremonies of the church; and here, firft bifhop Sandysbrought in a paper "2.'1'2" ofadvice to move her majefty; t. " That private baptifm, and baptifm by women, may be taken out of the common prayerbook. 2. " That the crois inbaptifna may be difallowed as needlefs and fuper ftitious. " 3. That commiflioners may be appointed to reform the ecclefiafticalï laws?' Another paper was prefented to. the houfe with the following requefts 5gned by thirty three names. I. tion; and the organs may be laidalidetnftly the whole congrega- f ma J >, 2. " That nonemay baptize but minifters; and that they may leave: off the figs of the crois.' 3. " That at the ministration of the communion,,the pofture'ofkneeling, may be left indifferent, "That