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Chap. IV. The HISTORY of the PURITANS. I 29 " that all the remnants of former errors, with all the rubbifh, and even. Q,,+een " the duff that yet remained, might be taken away." But he adds, the E z be'f' queen is fixed ; and fo, was his lordfhip loon after, when he refufed the t_i' learned Dr. Humphreys a benefice within his diocefe on this account, and MS. P-873. called all the non- conformifts, men offreeamifh flomachi. Bifhop Pilkington complains " that the difputes which began about the Pilkingtoa. veftments were now carried further, even to the whole conftitution ; that pious perlons lamented this, atheifts laughed, and the papiffs blew " the coals; and that the blame of all was caft upon the bifhops. He " urged, that it might be confidered, that all reformed churches had caft " away popifh apparel with the pope ; that many minifters would rather " leave their livings than wear them; and he was well fatisfied, that it " was not an apparel becoming thofe that profefs godlinefs. I confefs, K :ff. Réf. lays he, we fuffer many things againft our hearts groaning under them; Vol. IIl. but we cannot take them away, though we were ever fo much P 3i6 " fet upon it. We are under authority, and can innovate nothing " without the queen; nor can we alter the laws; the only thing left to our choice is, whether we will bear thefe things, or break the peace " of the church." Bifhop Grindal was a confiderable time in fufpenfe, whether he fhould Grindal. accept a bithoprick with the popifh veftments. He confulted Peter Mar- tyr on this head, and Pays, That all the bithops who had been beyond fea, had dealt with the queen to let the habits fall ; but the was inflexible. This made them fubmit to the laws, and wait for a fit opportunity to reverfe them. Upon this principle he conformed and was confecrated ; and in one of his letters, " He calls God to witnefs, that it did not " lie at their [the bithops] door, that the habits were not quite taken " away." Dr. Sandys bithop of Worce/ler, and Parkhurfl of Norwich, inveigh Sandys. feverely againft the habits, and they with the reft of the bithops threaten to declaim againft them, 'Till they are feat to hellfrom whence they came. Sandys in one of his letters to Parker Pays, " I hope we(hall not be forced to ufe the vefiments, but that the meaning of the law is, that others in " the mean time 'hall not take them away, but that they 'hall remain for " the queen." Dr. Guefl bithop of Rochßer, wrote againft the ceremonies to ferre- Gueá. Lary Cecil, and gave it as his opinion, " That having been evil ufed, via. a j " and once taken away, they ought not to be ufed again, becaufe the Strype's Aa- " Galatians were commanded, To 'land MI in the liberty wherewith nah' Vol. I. Chriß had made them free; and becaufe we are to abfiain from all MSPp.89e. appearance of evil. The gofpel teaches us to put away needlefs ce- remonies, :and to wot(hip God in fpirit and truth; whereas thefe VOL. I. â ceremonies