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Chap. IV. The HISTORY of the PvRITANS. 149 was fent for before the commiffioners, and obliged to figs a recantation, Queen and read it publickly in the church ; the reft made their peace by letters E j bgth, of fubmiflion : All the heads of colleges were commanded to aflift the vice-chancellor, in bringing the fcholars to an uniformity in the habits, which neverthelefs they could not accomplifh for many years. Whitgift feeingwhich way the the tide of preferment ran, drew his pen in defence of the hierarchy in all its branches, and became a molt potent advocate for the habits. But the univerfity of Cambridge was Rill a fanduary for the puritans. To return to the puritan clergy : April 2d. Mr. Crowley, the fufpended Life of Par- minifter of Cripplegate, feeing a corps coming to be buried at his church, 21 P 218, attended with clerks in their furplices finging. before it, threatened to Phut 9 the church doors againft them; but the finging men refilled, refolving to go through with their work, till the alderman's deputy threatened to lay them by theheels for breaking the peace; upon which they fhrunk away, but complained to the archbifhop, who fending for Crowley, deprived him of his living, and confined him to his houle, for faying, He would not Puffer the wolf to come to his flock : He alto bound the deputy in a hundred pounds, to be ready when he fhould be called for. This Mr. Crowley was a learned man, and had been an exile inqueen Mary's days, at Frankfort; he was very diligent in difputing againft certain priefts in the Tower, and took a great deal of pains, to bring them over to their allegiance to the queen, upon the principle of theunlawfulnefs of depofing princes, upon any pretence whatfoever. He writ divers learned books, and died a noncon- formift, in the year 1588, and was buried in the church of Cripplegate.. Among the deprived miners, fome 'betook themfelves to the study of The arehhi- phyfick, and other fecular employments ; fame went into Scotland, or.lhop's rigor, beyond fea ; othersgot to be chaplains in gentlemen's families ; but man y anad ints his eons. pl who had large families, were reduced to beggary. Many churches were now (hut up, and the people ready to mutiny for want of minifters. Six hundred perlons came to a church in London, to receive the communion on Palm-Sunday, but the doors were ¡hut, there being none to officiate. The cries of the people reached the court ; the fecretary wrote to the arch bifhop to fupply the churches, and releafe the prifoners ; but his grace . was inexorable, and bad rather the people ¡hould have no fermons or fa- craments, than have them without thefürpliceandcap. Fie acquainted the fecretary in a letter, That when the queen put him upon what he had L. of Par- " done he told her that thefe precile folks would offer their goods and ker, p. saa.. sy bodies to prifon, rather than relent; and her highnefs then willed him " to imprifon them.. He confeffed, that there were many pari(hes un- " ferved ; that he underwent many hard fpeeches, and much refiftance from the people;, but nothing more than was to be expected. he