r;q. 2he HISTORY of the PURITANS. Chap. V. yeoe On the and of November following, Mr. Axton appeared again, and LI'I.bh, was examined touching organs; mufick in churches, and obedience to wo the queen's laws, &c. Biset. You in refuting the furplice are difloyal to the queen, and (hew a contempt of her laws. AXT. You do me great injury, in charging me with difloyalty; and efpecially when you call me and my brethren traitors, and fay, that we are more troublefbme fubje s than the papifts. Btsn. I fay fill, the papifts are afraid to ítir, but you are prefump- tuous, and difquiet the fiate more ti they. AXT. If I, or any that fear God, fpeak the truth, doth this difquiet the fate ? The papifts have for 12 years been plotting treafon againf the queen and the gofpel, and yet this doth not grieve you. But I proteft in the prefencc of God, and of you all, that I am a true and faithful fub- jeét to her majefty ; allo I do pray daily both publickly and privately, for her majefty's fafety, and for her long and profperous reign, and for the overthrowof all her enemies, and efpecially the papifts. I do profefs myfelf an enemy to her enemies, and a friend to her friends; therefore if you have any confcience, ceafe to charge me with difloyalty to my prince. Brut. In as much as you recule so wear the furplice, which the has commanded, you do in effcét deny her to be fupreme governefs in ali caufes ecclefiaftical and temporal. AXT. I admit her majefty's fupremacy fo far, as if there be any error in the governors of the church, fhe has power to reform it ; but I do not admit her to be an ecclefiaftical elder, or church governor. Btstt. Yes; but fhe is, and bath full power and authority all man- ner of ways; indeed (he doth not adminifter the facraments and preach, but leaveth thofe things to us. But iffhe were a man, ar;he is a woman, why mightfhe not preach Abe wordof God as well as we? AXT. May fhe, if fhe were a man, preach the word of God? Then the may allo adminifter the facraments. Biset. This does not follow, for you know Paul preached, and yet did not baptize. AxT. Paul confeffes that he did baptize, though he was fent efpe- cially to preach. Beset. Did not Mofes teach the people? and yet he was their civil governor. AXT. Mofes's calling was extraordinary. Remember the king of fudah, how he would have facrificed in the temple of God. Take heed how you confound thofe offices, which God has diftinguifhed. M.S. P 55, BIM. You fee how he runneth. 46, BICKLEY.