Neal - Houston-Packer Collection BX9333 .N4 1754 v1

176 7ìe HISTORY of the PuttITANS; Chap, V, , Queen (4.) " Miniflers ought not to be at large, but every one should have Eha,beth, the charge of a certain flock. r; 0. 7 (5.) No bódy should ask, or Rand as a candidate for the minify (6.) " Bishops should not be created by civil atithority, but ought to " be fairly chofen by the church." Thefe propofrtionsare Paid tobe untrue, dangerous, and tending to the ruin of learning and religion ; they were therefore -font to fecretary Cecil, chancellor of the univerfity, who advifed the vice-chancellor to filence the author., or obligehim to recant. Cartwright challenged Dr. Whitgift, who preached' againfi him, to a publick disputation, which he refuted unless he had the queen's licence; and Whiigfl offered a private debate by writing, which the other declined, as anfwering no,valuable purpofe. Other dangerous and feditious propofitions, as they were called, were colleéted out of Cartwright's lectures, and Pent to court by Dr. Whitgift, to incenfe the queen and chancellor againih him. As, His pa :lilies!. (I.) " In reformingthe church, it is neceffary to reduce all things to the 00 apoftolical inllitution, (z.) " No man ought to be admitted into the ministry, but who is ca- " pable of preaching. (3.) " None but fuch a minifter of the word ought to pray publickly " in the church, or adminifter the facraments. (4.) " Popish ordinations are,; not valid. (5.) " Only canonical fcripture ought to berreadpublickly in the church.' (6. " Thepublick liturgy should be fo framed, that there be no private " praying or reading in the church, but that all the people attend to the prayers of the. minister. (7.) " The care of burying the dead, does not belong more to the mi niflerial office, than to the refl of the church. (8.) " Equal reverence is due to all canonical fcripture, and to all the " names of God ; there is therefore no reafon why the people should ftand at the reading of the gofpel, or bowat the name of Jefus. (o.) " It is lawful tofit at the lord's table, asto kneel or Band. (so.) " The lord's flipper ought not to be adminiflered in private; nor " should baptifm be adminiflered by women or lay- perfons. (I I). " The fign of the croft in baptifm is fuperflitious. (I a.) " It is reafonable and proper, that the parent fhould offer his own " child to baptifm, making a confeffion of that faith he intends to edu- " cate it in, without being obliged to anfwer in the child's name. I WILL, " I WILL NOT, I BELIEVE, &c.: nor ought it to be allowed, that " women or persons under age, fhould be Jponfors, (13.) " In giving names to children, it is convenient to avoid gaga- " nifm, as well as the names and offices of Chrifi, Angels, &c. (14.) It