Chap. V. 2,e HISTORY of the PURITANS, 179 of God, having confined themfelves chieflyto do5trines. The archbishop .Zueen replied, furely you will refer yourselves wholly to us the bithops in thefe El zabeth, things ? Te which Mr. Wentworth replied warmly, No, by the faith 1 r j bear to God, we willpaf' nothing before we underhand what it is,for that were to make you popes : Make you popes who lift, for we will make you none. So the articles relating to discipline were waved, and an ad was paffed, confirmingall the doEtrinal articles agreed upon in the fynod of 1562. The ad is entitled, For reformation of diforders in the minßers of the ilea,jar fub- church. " And enjoins all that have any ecclefiaflical livings, to declarelribing anti- " their affent before the bishop of the diocefe to all the articles ofteli- Ilesotfaitb as gion, WiHICH ONLY CONCERN THE CONFESSION OF THE TRUE-cap,.re, f0 FAITH, AND THE DOCTRINE OF THE SACRAMENTS, comprized " in the book imprinted, and intituled, Articles, whereupon it was agreed " by the archbishops and bi/hops, &c. and the whole clergy in the convocation " of 1562. for avoidingdiverfityofopinions, andfor the ellablifhing ofconfent " touching true religion; and to fubfcribe them ; which was to be testified " by the bishop of the diocefe, under his feal ; which testimonial he " was to read publickly with the faid articles, asthe confeon of hisfaith, " in his church on a Sunday, in the time of divine fervice, or elfe to be " deprived. If any clergyman maintained any doctrine repugnant to the " faid articles, the bifhop might deprive him. None were to he ad- " mitted to any benefice with cure, except he was a deacon of the age of " 23 years, and would fubfcribe, and declare his unfeigned affent to the " articles. above-mentioned ; nor might any adminifter the facraments " under 24 years of age." It appears from the words of this flatute, that thofe articles of the Remarks; church which relate to its difeipline, were not defigned to be the terms of miniflerial conformity ; and if the queen and the bishops had governed themfelves accordingly, the separation had been flifled in its infancy; for there was hardly a puritan in England, who refufed fubfcription to the dotlrinal articles: Ifall the 39 articles had been eflablifhed, there had been no need of the following claufe, Which ONLY concern the confjion of the true chriflian faith, and the doctrine of the facraments. And yet not- withftanding this ad, many that held benefices and ecclefiaftical prefer- ments, and that offered to conform to the ftatute, were deprived in the followingpart of this reign; which was owing to the bithops fervile com pliance with the prerogative, and prefling fubfcription to more than the law required. It deferves further to be taken notice of, that by a claufe in this Strype's stn- ad, the parliament admits-of ordination by presbyters without a bThop ;naffs, which was afterwards difallowed by the bishops in this reign ; as well as Aaz at