Neal - Houston-Packer Collection BX9333 .N4 1754 v1

Chap. V. 2'he HISTORY of the PURITANS. 183 to write to the queen of England in their behalf, befeeching her ma- . ueen jetty, not to infift upon fubfcriptions, or upon wearing the habits, which Eüzabech, gave fuch offence to great numbers of the clergy, rgyr. and was like to J3 make a fchifm in the church. The letter was inclofed to bifhop Grindal, who when he had read it, would not fo much as deliver it to the queen, for fear of difobliging her majefty, whofe refolution was to put an end to all diftinftions in the church, by preßing the aft of uniformity. Inftead therefore of relaxing to the puritans, orders were fent to all church- wardens, Not to fujér any to read, pray, preach, or minifter the facra- meats in any churches, chapels, or privateplaces, without a new licence from; the queen or the archbop, or bifhop ofthe dioceje, to be dated line May lafi.. Themore refolved puritans, were hereby reduced to the necefity of affem tiling in private, or of laying down their miniflry. Though all the bithops were obliged togo into thefe meafures of the court, yet fome were fo fentible of the want of difcipline, and of preach- ing the word, that they permitted their clergy to enter ihto affociations for thepromoting of bath. The minifters of the town of Northampton,, with the confent and approbation of Dr. Scambler their bifhop, the mayor of the town, and the lattices of the county, agreed upon the following regulations for worfhip and difcipline. t. " That tinging and playing oforgans inthe choir (hall be put down, andcommon prayer read-inthe bodyof the church, with a pfalmbefore Rulesfordf±- and after fermon._ p cpllne. 2. " That every Tuefday and Thur /day,. there (hall be a leéture from " 9 to to the morning, in the chief church of the town, beginning "w with the confejon in the.commonPrayer, and ending withprayer and . ` a canfeßian of faith. 3. " Every Sunday andholiday (hall be a fermon after morning .prayer, " with a .pfalm before and after. 4. " Service (hall be ended in every parifh church by nine in themorn- " ing, every Sunday and holiday, to the end that people may refort to " the fermon in the chief church, except they have a fermon in- " their own. 5. " None (hall walk abroad,, or fit idly in the -flreets, in time of " divine fervice. 6. " The youth (hall every Sunday evening be examined in a portion of 6` Calvin's catechifm, which the reader (hall expound for an hour. s< 7. " There (hall be a general communion once a quarter in every: pari(h church, with a fermon. 8. " A fortnight before each communion, the minifter with the church- " wardens fhall.go from houfe to houfe,, to take the names of the com-- municants.ÿ,