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18 the HISTORY of the PURITANS. Chap. T. King done by the king; for in all that went before, he had the concurrence of HenryVIII. the convocation. The injunEtions were to this purpofe. " That the clergy fhould twice every quarter publifh to the people, King's In- as that the bifhop of Rome's ufurped power had no foundation in fcripture, jnnEìians. JJ but that the king's fupremacy was according to the laws of God. 2, 3. " They were to publiíh the late articles of faith fet forth by " the king ; and likewife the king's proclamation for the abrogation of " certain holidays in harveft time. q.. " They were to diffuade the people from making pilgrimages to " ° faints, and to exhort them to ftay at home and mind their families, and keep God's commandments. 5, " They were to exhort them to teach their children the Lord's e' prayer, creed, and ten commandments in Englifh. 6. " They were to take care that the facraments were reverently admi- " niftred in their parifhes. 7. " That the clergy do not frequent taverns and ale-houles, nor fit " long at games, but give themfelves to the ftudy of the fcriptures and " a good life. 8. " Every beneficed perfon of 201. a year, that did not refide, was " to pay the 4oth part of his benefice to the poor. 9. " Every incumbent of loci/. a year to maintain .one fcholar at the " univerfrty ; and fo many hundreds a year fo many fcholars. Io. " The fifth part of the profits of livings to be given to the repair e° of the vicarage houfe if it be in decay." Thus the very fame opinions, for which the followers of Wickle and Luther had been burnt a few years before, were now enjoined by the king's authority. "WWI of This year a very remarkable book was printed by Batchelor, the king's the Inftite- printer, cum privilegio, entitled the INSTITUTION OF A CHRISTIAN firm Chrijtion MAN. It was called the bifhops book, becaufe it was compofed by fundry Man. bifhops, as Cranmer archbifhop of Canterbury, Stokefly of London, Gardi- ner of Winchefier, Sampfon of Chichefler, Repps of Norwich, Goodrick of Ely, Latimer of Worcefler, Shaxton of Salifbury, Fox of Hereford, Barlow of St. David's, and force other divines. 'Tis divided into feveral chapters, and contains an explanation of the Lord's prayer, the creed, thefeven facra- ments, the ten commandments, the ave maria, jußication, and purgatory. " The book maintains the local defcent of Chrift into Hell; and that all " articles of faith are to be interpreted according to fcripture and the four " ° firft general councils. It defends the feven facraments, and under the " facrament of the altar affirms, that the body of Chrift that fuffered on " the crofs, is fubfiantially prefent under the form of bread and wine. It " maintains but two orders of the clergy, and avers that no one bifhop " has