Neal - Houston-Packer Collection BX9333 .N4 1754 v1

42 The H IST ?RY of the PuRIT.ANS. Chap: It King Bonner., bifhop of London; being accufed of remifinefs in not fettling the Edward VI. new fervice book throughout his diocefe, and being fufpefted of difa-ffeftion r 5 to the government, was enjoined to declare publickly in a fermon at Paul's Bonner de- Cro,d, his belief of the king's authority while under age, and his approba- príved. tion of the fervice book, with forne other articles; which he not perform- ing to the council's fatisfaftion, was cited before the court of delegates,.. and after. feverai hearings, in which he behaved with great arrogance, fen - tence of deprivation was pronounced againft him September 23d, by the archbifhop of Canterbury, Ridley bifhop of Rochßer, fecretary Smith, and - the dean of St. Paul's. It was thought hard to proceed to fuchextremities, with a man for a meer omifüon; Bonner pleading, that he forgot the arti- cle of the king's authority in his fermon; and it was yet harder, to add= imprifonment to his deprivation : But he lived to take a leyere revenge up- Succeeded by on his judges in the next reign. The vacant fee was filled up with Dr. Ridley. Ridley, who on the 24th of Feb. r5,o was declared bifhop of London and' Wefiminfier, the two diocefes being united in him;, but his confecratiosi was, deferr'd to the next year. Reformation The parliament that met the 14th of November, revived the a&sof the . o the .l+ccle- late king, owering his ma eft to reform the canon law, by naming Laws. g> a j y 32 perfons (vrz.} 16 of the fpirituality, of whom four to be bithops, and 16 of the temporality, of whom four to becommon lawyers ; who within three years fhould compile a body of ecclefiaftical laws, which not being . contrary to the ftatute law, be publifhed by the king's warrant un- der the great Peal, and have the force of laws in the ecclefiaflical courts. This defign was formed, and very far advanced, in king Henry VIII's time, but the troubles that attended the laft part of his reign, prevented . the finifhing it. It was-now refumed,. and in purfuance of this aft; a corn- million was firft given to eight perfons, (viz.) two bifhops, two divines, two civilians,, and two common lawyers, who were to prepare materials, for the review of the 32; but the preface to the printed book lays, that. L. ,f Cran. Cranmer did almoft the whole himfelf. It was not finifhed till the month p. a71. of February. Is -1 . when another commiflion was granted to 32 perfons to . revile it, of whom the former eight were a part (viz.) ;8 bithops,. S.di, vines, 8. civilians, and & common lawyers; they, divided themfelves into four claffes, and the amendments of each clafs, were communicated to the whole. Thus the work was finifhed, being digefled under fifty one titles._ It was tranflated into Latin by Dr. Haddon and Sir yobs Cheek'; but be .Boer not take fore it received the royal confirmation, the king died ; nor was it ever re-. plaCei vived in the fucceeding reigns. Archbifhop Parker firft publifhed it in the year 1571. under the title of Reformatio Legum linglicarum, &c. and it was reprinted 04o. By this book, Cranmer feems to have relaxed his per-. fecuting principles; for though under the third title of judgmentsforberef,