Neal - Houston-Packer Collection BX9333 .N4 1754 v1

A P P E N D I X . 815 efts of us your brethren, and fellow preachers of Chrift Jefus, in whom, albeit there appear no great worldly pomp, yet we fuppofe you will not fo far defpife us, but that ye will efteem us to be of the number of thofe that fight againft that roman antichrift, and travel, that the king- dom of Chrift Jefus univerfally may be maintained and advanced. The days are evil ; iniquity abounds ; chriftian charity (alas) is waxen cold ; and therefore we' ought the more diligently to watch : For the hour is uncertain when thé Lord Jefus (hall appear, before whom we your bre- thren, and ye may give an account of our adminiftration. And thus, in conclufion, we once again crave favour to our brethren, which granted, ye in the Lord, (hall command us in things of double more importance.. The Lord Jefus rule your hearts in his true fear to the end, and give unto you and unto us vir Tory over that conjured enemy of all true religion ; to wit, over that roman antichrift, whofe wounded head Satan, by all means, labours to cure again, but to deftrufition. (hall he and his maintainers go, by the power of the Lord Jefus :. To whofe mighty power and protection we heartily commit you. Subfcribed by the hands of fuperintendents, one part of minifters, and fcribed in our general affemblies and fourth feflion thereof. At Edin- bargh, the 28th day of December, 1566. Your loving brethren, and fellow preachers, in Chrift refus. JO. CRAIG, DA. LYNDESAY, . CUIL. GISLISOMUS, JO. SPOTTISWOOD, JO. Row, ROB. PONT, JO. WIRAM, JACO. MAILVÍL,, JO. ERBKIN, NIC. SPITAL... N°. Iia