Neal - Houston-Packer Collection BX9333 .N4 1754 v1

816 A P P E N D I X . N° II. A DIRECTORY of Church-government, anciently contend- ed for, and as far as the times would fuffer, praaifed by the firft non-conformifts in the days of queen Elizabeth, found in the fludy of the molt accomplifhed divine Mr. Thomas Cartwright, after his deceafe. The SACRED DISCIPLINE of the CHURCH, defcribed in the word of GOD. THE difcipline ofÇhrf's church that is nett fary for ail times, is deli- vered by Chri/1, and let down in the holy fèrsptures; therefore the true and lawful difèipline is to befetchedfrom thence, andfrom thence alone. And that which refieth upon any other foundation, ought to be efleemed unlawful and counterfeit. Of all particular churches, there is one and the fame right, order, and form: Therefore alfo no one may challenge to itfelfany power over others; ; nor any right which doth not alike agree to others. The miniflers of publick charges, in every particular church, ought to be called and appointed to their charges by a lawful ecclfa/lical calling, fisch as hereafter isfet down. All theft for the divers regardof their feveral kinds are of equal power among/l themfelves. No man can be lawfully called topublick charge in any church, but he that isfit to difcharge the fame. Andnone is to be accountedfit, but he that is endued with the common gifts of all the godly; that is, with faith, and a blamelefs life : Andfurther alfo, with theft that are proper to that minifry wherein he is to be u/ed, and nece(faryfor the executing of thefame; where- upon, for ,trial of thole gifts, jome convenient way and examination is to be tiled. The party to be calledmull firft be eletled ; then he is to be ordained to that charge whereunto he is chofen, by the prayers of that church whereunto he is to be admitted ; the mutual duties of him andof the church being before laid open. The