Neal - Houston-Packer Collection BX9333 .N4 1754 v1

81q: Z P P E N D I . For holding of. theft meetings and affemblies, thereare to be chofen by every church belonging to that afmbly, principal men from among the elders, who are to bave their in trutlionsfrom them, andfò to be/ent to the affembly. There mz ft alfo be a carebad, that the things they ¡hall return to have been godly agreed on by the meetings, be diligently obferved by thechurches. Further, in fuch affemblies there is alto to be chafer: one that may be fet over the eemblies, who may moderate anddirell them. His duty is tofee that the afemblies be held godly, quiet, and comely: Therefore it belongeth unto him to begin and endthe conferencewith prayer ; to know every man's inftruc- tiens ; topropound inorder the things that are to be handled ; to gather their opinions, and to propoundwhat is the opinion of the greater part. It is allo thepart of the ref? oftheafembly tofpeak their opinions ofthe things propound- edgodly and quietly. The fynodical difcipline gathered out ofthe fynods and ufe of the churches which have reflored it according to the word of God, and out offundry books that are written of the fame, and referred unto certain heads. Of the necfityof a calling. TET no man thrufl himfelf into the executing of any part of public! 1 charge in the adminiflration of the word, facraments, difcipline or care over the poor. Neither let any fuch fue or feek for any publick charge of the church ; but let every one tarry until he be lawfully called. The manner ofentering and determining of a calling, and again'?a:minry of no certain place;. and the defertion of a church. ET none be called but unto force certain charge ordained: of God, . and to the exercifing of the fame in force particular congregation And he that is fo called, let him be fo bound to that church, that he . may not afterbe ofany other, or depart from it without the confent thereof. Let none be called, but they that have ficft fubfcribed the confeflion of dotrine and difcipline : Whereoflet them be admonifhed to have copies with themfelves. In the examination of miniflers, the teftimony of theplace fromwhence they come is to be demanded, whereby it may be underftood what life and converfatiom he bath been of; and whether he hath been.addided to. any-