Neal - Houston-Packer Collection BX9333 .N4 1754 v1

A P P E N D I X . 815 any herefy, or to the reading of any heretical books, or to curious and orange queftions, and idle fpeculations ; or rather, whether he be ac- counted found and confenting in all things to the doctrine received in the church. Whereunto if he agree, he is alto to expound fome part of the holy fcriptures twice or oftner, as it (hall feem meet to the examiners, and that before the conference, and that church which is interefted. Let him alto be demanded of the principal headsof divinity : And whether he will diligently execute and difcharge his miniftry ; and in the execution thereof propound unto himfelf, not his own delires and commodities, but the glory of God and edification of the church. Lally, whether he will be (ludions and careful to maintain and preferve wholefome doctrine, and ecclefialical difcipline. Thus let the minifter be examined, not only by one elderfhip, but alto by force greater meeting and affembly. Of Eleéïion. 11110Efore the election of a minifter, and the deliberation of the confe- rence concerning the fame, let there be a day of fait kept in the church interefted. Of the place of exercifing this calling. ALbeit it be lawful for a minifter, upon juft occafion, to preach in another church than that whereof he is minifer; yet none may exercife any ordinary miniftry elfewhere, but for a certain time, upon great occafion, and by the content of his church and conference. Of the office of the minißers of the word; and fzr/i of the order of liturgy or common prayer. LET the minifter that is to preach, name a pfalm, or a part of a pfalm (beginning with the firft, and fo proceeding) that may be Tung by the church, noting to them the end of their tinging (to wit) the glory of God and their own edification. After the pfalm let a fhort ad- monition to the people follow, of preparing themfelves to pray duly un- to God : Then let there be made a prayer containing a general confe(fion: Firft of the guilt of fin, bothoriginal and aaual ; and of the punifhment which is due by the law for them both : Then altoof the promife of the gofpel, and in refpeét of it, fupplication of pardon for the (hid guilt and punifhment, and petition of grace promifed, as for the duties of the whole life, fo efpecially for the godly expounding and receiving of the word. Let this petition be concluded with the Lord's prayer. After the fermon, let prayer be, made again ; flrft, for grace to profit by the doétrine deli- vered, the principal heads thereof being remembered ; then for all men, but chiefly for the univerfal church, and for all elates and degrees of the 5 M z people ;"