Neal - Houston-Packer Collection BX9333 .N4 1754 v1

816 A P P E N D I X . people ; which is likewife to be ended with the Lord's prayer and the finging of a pfalm, as before. Lau of all, let the congregation be dif- miffed with fome convenient form of blef ling taken out of the fcripture ; fuch as is, Númb, vi. 24. 2 Cor. xiii. i4. Ofpreaching. LET him that fhall preach choofe Tome part of the canonical fcrip- ture to expound, and not of the apocrypha. Further, in his ordi- nary minifrry, let him not take pofrils (as they are called) but fome whole book of the holy fcripture, efpecially of the new tefiament, to expound in order : In choice whereof regard is to be had both of the minifters abi- lity, andof the edification of the church. He that preachethmull perform two things;. the firfr, that his fpcech be uncorrupt; which is to be confidered both in regard of the do&rine, that it be holy, found, wholefome and profitable to edification ; not devi- lifh, heretical, leavened, corrupt, fabulous, curious, or contentious; and alfo in refpedt ofthe manner of it, that it be proper to the place which is handled, that is, which either is contained plainly in the very words; or if it be gathered by con.fequent, that the fame be fit and clear, and fuch as may rife upon the property of the word, grace of fpeech, and fuit of the matter; and not be allegorical, ftrange, wrefted, or far fetched. Now let that which is fuch, and chiefly which is fittefr for the times and occafionsof the church, be delivered. Further, let the explication, con- firmation, enlargement, and application, and the whole treatife and hand.. ling of it, be in the vulgar tongue; and let the whole confirmation and proof be made by arguments, tefritnonies and examples taken only out of the holy fcriptures, applied fitly and according to the natural meaning of the places that are alledged. The fecond thing to be performed by him that preacheth, is a reverend gravity : This is confidered firft in the frile, phrafe, and manner of fpeech, that it be fpiritual, pure, proper, Pimple, and applied to the capacity of the people nor fuch as human wifdom teacheth, nor favouring of new fanglednefs,.. nor either fo affettate as it may ferve for pomp and ofren- tation, or fo carelefs and bafe, as becometh not minifters of the word of God. Secondly, it is alfo to be regarded as well in ordering the voice, in which a care mull be had, that (avoiding the keeping alwaysof one tune) it may be equal, and both rife and fall by degrees; asalfo in ordering the geflure, wherein (the body being upright) the guiding and ordering the whole body is to follow the voice, there being avoided in it all unfeemly geftures of the head, or other parts, and often turning of the body to di- vers fides. Finally,: let the gefkure be grave, modefr, and feemly, not utterly none, nor too much neither, like the geftures ofplays or fencers.. Thefe