Neal - Houston-Packer Collection BX9333 .N4 1754 v1

A P P E N D I X . 817 Thefe things are to be performed by him that preacheth ; whereby when need requireth, they may be 'examined who are trained and exer- cifed to be made fit to preach: Let there be, if it may be, every fabbath day, two fermons, and let them that preach, always endeavour to keep themfelves within one hour, efpecially on the week days. The ufe of preaching at burials is to be left as it may be done conveniently ; becaufe there is danger that they may nourifh the fuperftition offome, or be abufed to pomp and vanity. Of the catechifm. ET the catechifm be taught in every church. Let there be two forts. One more large applied to the delivering of. the Turn of re- ligion by .a fute and order of certain places of the fcriptures, according to . which fome point of theholy doëtrine may be expounded every week. Another of the fame fort, but fhorter, fit for the examinationofthe rude and ignornat before they be admitted to the Lord's fupper. Of the other parts of liturgy or divine fervice. A L L the reff of the liturgy or divine fervice confifteth in the ad- 1 miniftration of the facraments, and by the cuflom of the church, in the bleffing of marriage : The.moft commodious form thereof is that which is ufed by the churches that have reformed their difcipline ac- cording to the word of God. Of facraments. ET only a minifter of the word, that is, a preacher, minifter the facraments, and that after the preachingof the word, and not in any other place than in the publick afl'emblies of the church. Of baptifm.. WOmen101 only may not offer unto baptifm thofe that are to be bap- tized, but the father, if it may be, or in his name fome Other. They which prefent unto baptifm, ought to be perfuaded not to give thofe that are baptized the names of God or of Chrift, or ofangels, or of holy offices, as of baptift, evangelift,. &c. nor fuch as favour of paganifm or popery ; but chiefly fuch whereof there are examples in the holy fcrip- tures, in the names of thofe who are reported in them to have been godly and virtuous. Of the communion. -LE T the time of celebrating the communion be made known eight days before, that the congregation may prepare themfelves, and that the elders may dotheir duty in going to and.vifiting. whom theyought.. LET