Neal - Houston-Packer Collection BX9333 .N4 1754 v1

818 A P P E N D I X . Offignifying their names that are to communicate. TET them which before have not been received to the Lord's table, when they firfl delire to come to it, give their names to the mi- nifler leven days before the communion, that care of enquiring of them may be committed to the elders ; that if there be any caufe of hindrance, there may be flay made betime ; but if there be no fuch thing, let them proceed (where need may be) to the examining of their faith, before the communion. Let this whole treatifeof difcipline be read in the con - fiflory; and let the miniflers, elders and deacons, be cenfured one after another; yet fo that the minifler concerning doftrine, be cenfured of minifiers only. Let them only be admitted to the communion, that have made con. fef ion of their faith, and fubmitted themfelves to the difcipline ; unlefs they (hall bring letters teflimonial of good credit from force other place, or (hall approve themfelves by force other fuflicient teflimony. Children are not to be admitted to the communion before they be of the age of fourteen years, except the confiflory (hall otherwife determine. On the fabbath day next before the communion, let mention be made in the fermon of the examination, whereunto the apoflle exhorteth, and of the peace that is by faith ; in the day of the communion, let there be fpeech of the doEìrine of the facraments, and efpecially of the Lord's (upper. Offa/ling. iE T the day of failing be publifhed by the pallor according to the advice of the confsflory, either for fupplication, for turning away of calamities prefent, or threatened ; or for petition of force fpecial grace. Let the fermons upon the fame day, before and after noon (as on the Lord's day), be Inch as may be fit for the prefent occafion. Of holidays. 11Olidays are conveniently to be abolifhed. 1i l Of marriage. LET efpoufing go before =trifle. Let the words of efpoufing be of the prefent time, and without condition, and before fufficient wit- neffes on both fides. It is to be wifhed, that the minifler, or an elder, be prefent at the efpoufals, who having called upon God, may admoni(h both parties of their duties. Firfl, may have care of avoiding the de. grees forbidden both by the law of God and man : And then they may demand of them, whether they be free from any bond of marriage ; which