Neal - Houston-Packer Collection BX9333 .N4 1754 v1

A P P E N D I X . 8 ;9' which if they profefs and be ,firangers, he may alto require fufficient teflimony. Further alto, they are to be demanded, whether they have been married before, and of the death of the party with whom they were married, which, if they acknowledge, and be (hangers, he may demand convenient teftimony of the death of the other party. Finally, let them be afked if they be under the government ofany ? whether they whom it concerneth have contented ? The efpoufals being done in due order, let them not be diffolved, though both parties fhould coolant. Let the marriage be folemnized within two months after. Before the marriage let the promife be pub- lifhed three feveral fabbath days; but firfl, let the parties efpoufed, with their parents or governors, delire the publilhing thereof, of the minifter and two elders at the leaft, that they may be demanded of thofe things that are needful ; and let them require to fee the inflrument of the cove- nant of the marriage, or at leaft, fufficient teftimony of the efpoufals.. Marriage may be folemnized and bleffed upon any ordinary day of publick . prayer, faving upon a day of fad. Of fchools, LET children be inftru6ted in fchools, both in other learning, and' efpecially in the catechifm, that they may repeat it by heart, ande underfland it ; when they are fo inflru&ed, let them be brought to the Lord's (upper, after they have been examined by the minifter, and al- lowed by him. OfJludents of divinity and, their exercifes. IN every churchwhere it may convenientlybe done, care is to be had that Tome poor fcholars, fludious of divinity, being fit for theolo- gical exercises, and efpecially for expounding of holy fcripture, may by the liberality of the godly rich, be taught and trained up to preach. Let that expofition, as often as it fhall be convenient to be had, be in . the pretence at leaf( of one minifter, by whofe prefence they may be kept in order, and in the fame fort (as touching the manner of preach- ing) that publick fermons are made ; which being ended, let the other Jludents (he being put apart that was fpeaker) note wherein he bath, failed in any of thofe things that are to be performed by him that preacheth publickly, as is fet down before : Of whole opinion let the minifter that is prefent, and is moderator of their exercife, .fudge and ad- monifh the fpeaker as he (hall think meet. Of elders. LET the elders know every particular houfe and perfon of the church that they may inform the minifter of the condition of everyone, and theti