Neal - Houston-Packer Collection BX9333 .N4 1754 v1

820 A P P E N D I X . the deacons of the fick and poor, that they may take care to provide for them : They are not to be perpetual ; neither yet eafily to be changed. Of confJlories. TN the cnnfiftory the molt voices are to be yielded unto. In it only 11 ecclefiaftical things are to be handled. Of them, firft they are to be dealt with fuch as belong to the common direEtion of the publick affem- bly, in the order of liturgy or divine fervice, fermon, prayers, facra- ments, marriages, and burials. Then with fuch alto as pertain to the óverfight of every one, and their particular deeds. Further, they are to caufe fuch things as ¡hall be thought meet, tobe regiftered'and written in a book. They are alto to caufe tobe written in another book, the names of them that are baptized, with the names of their parents and fureties : Likewife of the communicants. Further alfo are to be noted their names that are married, that die, and to whom letters teftimonal are given. Of the cenfures. NONE is to be complained of unto the confiftory, unlefs firft the matter being uttered with filencing the parties name, if it Teem meet fo to be done by the judgment of the confiftory. In private and lefs faults the precept of Chrift, Matt. xviii. is tobe kept. Greater and publick offences are to be handled by the confiftory. Fur- ther, publick offences are to be efteemed, firft, fuch as are done openly before all, or whomfoever, the whole church knowing of it. Secondly; loch as be done in a publick place, albeit few know it. Thirdly, that are made fuch by pertinacy and contempt. Fourthly, that for the hei- noufnefs of the offence are to be punifhed with fome grievous civil punifh- ment. They that ate to be excommunicated, being in publick charge in the church, are to be depofed alto from their charges. They alto are to be difcharged that are unfit for the miniftry, by reafon of their ignorance, orof force incurable difeafe; or by any other fuch caufe, are difabled to perform their íniniftry : But in the roams of fuch as are difabled by means of ficknefs or age, let another be placed without the reproach of him that is difcharged ; and further, fo as the reverence of the miniftry may re- main unto him, and he may be provided for, liberally and in good order. When there is queftion concerning an heretick, complained of to the confiftory, £freight let two or three neighbour minifters be called, men godly and learned, and free from that ,fufpicion, by whole opinion he may be fufpended, . till loch time as the conference may take know- ledge of his taufe. The