Neal - Houston-Packer Collection BX9333 .N4 1754 v1

A P P E N D I X . 8 2 f The obflinate, after admonition by the confiflory, though the fault have not been fo great, are to be fufpended from the communion ; and if they continue in their obflinacy, this (hall be the order to proceed to their excommunication. Three feveral fabbath days after the fermon, publickly let be declared the offence committed by the offender. The firfl fabbath let not the offender's name be publifhed : The fecond let it be de- clared, and withal a certain day of the week named, to be kept for that caufe in fafling and prayer. The third let warning be given of his excom- municating to follow the next fabbath after, except there may be (hewed fome fufficient caufe to the contrary : So upon the fourth fabbath day, let the fentence of excommunication be pronounced againft him, that his fpi- rit may be faved in the day ofthe Lord. He that hath committed great offences, opprobrious to the church, and to be grievoufly punifhed by the magiflrate's authority ; albeit he profefs his repentance in words, yet for the trial thereof, and to take away the offence,. let him for a time be kept from the communion ; which how . often and how long it is tobe done, let the confiflory, according to their difcretion, determine ; after which, if the party repent, he is brotherly tobe received again, but not until he have openly profeffed his repentance before the church, by confent whereof he fhould have been excommunicated. If the minifters of any publick charge of the church commit any fuch thing, they are tobe depofed from their charge. Of the a/rblies of the church. PArticular churches are to communicate one with another, by common meetings and retorts: In them only ecclefiaf{ical matters are to be handled, and of thofe, only fuch as pertain to the churches of that retort ; concerning other churches, unlefs they be defired, they are to determine nothing farther than to refer fich matters to their next common and great meeting. Let the order of proceeding in them be this : Firfl, let theSurvey be taken of thofe that are prefent, and the names of thofe that are abfent, and thould be there, be noted, that they may give a reafon at their next .meeting of their abfence, or be cenfured by the judgment of the affembly. Next let the a&s of the laft affembly of that kind be read, that if any of the fame remain unfinithed, they may be difpatched : Then let thofe - things be dealt in that are properly belonging to the prefent affembly; where firft the inflru&ions fent from the churches are to be delivered by every one in order, as they fit together, with their letters of credence. Se- condly, let the Hate of the churches of that refort be confidered, to wit, how they are inftru&ed and guided: Whether the holy dottrine and dif- cipline be taught and exercised in them ;_and whether the minifters of 5 N publick