Neal - Houston-Packer Collection BX9333 .N4 1754 v1

826 A P P E N D I X . publick charges do their duty, and fuch like. Furthermore, they fhall determine of thofe things that do appertain to the common (late of all the churches of that refort, or unto any of the fame ; which way may be fufficient for the overfight of the churches. Laftly, if it feem meet, the delegates prefent may be cenfured. They that are to meet in filch affemblies are to be chofen by the con- fent of the churches of that affembly and conference, to whom it may ap- pertain. Let fuch only be chofen that exercife publick funtaion in the church,, of minifiry or elderfhip, and which have fubfcribed to the doctrine and difcipline, and have promifed to behave thernfelves according to the word of God : Notwithflanding, it may be lawful alfo to be prefent for other elders and other minifters; and likewife (if the affembly think it meet) for deacons, and for fludents in divinity, efpecially thofe that exercife themfeives in expounding the holy fcriptures in the conferences, and be afked their opinion ; which in fludents is to this end, that their judgment, in handling matters ecclefiaftical, may be both tried and fharpened. But they only are to give voice which are chofen by the churches, and have brought their inflruetions figned from them. If there fall out any very weighty matter to be confulted of, let notice of it be given to the moderator of the affembly next going before, or to the minifler of that church where the next meeting is to be: The fame is to fend word of it in due time to the minifter of every church of that affembly, that they may communicate it afore-hand with thole to whom it appertaineth, that the delegates reforting to the next meeting may underfiand and report their judgments.. In appointing of the place for the affernbly, regard mull be had of the convenient diflance, and other commodities, that nopart may juftly com- plain that they are burdened above others. In every fuch ecclefiaflical affembly it is meet there be a moderator: He is to have charge of the affembly, to Tee: it kept in good order. He is al- ways, if it may be conveniently, lo be changed. The choice is to be in this manner: The moderator of the former affembly of that kind, or in his abfence, the minifler of the church where they medk, having firft prayed fitly to that purpofe, is to move the affembly to ehoófe a moderator. He being chofen, is to provide that the things done in the affembly may be writ- ten, that the delegatesof every church may write them out, and commu- nicate them with the conferences from whence they came. The moderator is alto, by the order and judgment of the affembly, to give anfwer, either by fpeech or by letters, to fuch as delire any anfwer; and to execute cenfures, if any be to be executed. Further he is to procure