Neal - Houston-Packer Collection BX9333 .N4 1754 v1

1 p F E N D- I X. 827 procure all things to bedone in it, godly and quietly ; exhorting to meek- nefs, moderation of fpirit, and forbearing one of another whereneed (hall be, and referring it to the affembly, to take order for Inch as are obftinate and contentious. Laftly, he is to remember them of the next meeting following, with thanks for their pains, and exhortaion to proceed cheer- fully in their callings; and fo courteoufly to difmifs the affembly. Before fuch time none may depart without leave of the affembly. Thofe affemblies, according to their kinds, have great authority, if they be greater, and leis if they be left. Therefore (unlefs it be a plain ad, and manifeft unto all) if any think himfelf injured by the lefs meeting, he may appeal Will unto a greater, till he come to a general council ; fo that he afcend orderly from the left to the next greater. But it is to be underftood that the fentence of the afiemblies be holden firm, until it be otherwife judged by an affembly of greater authority. Afemblies or meetings are either conferences or fynods. COnferences are the meetings of the elders of a few churches, as for example of twelve. There are to meet in a conference, chofen of the elderfhip of 'every particular church, one minifter, and one elder. The conferences are to be kept once in fix weeks. They are fpecially to"look into the $ate of the churches of that refort and conference ; examining particularly thefe feveral points : Whether all things be done in them according to the holydodrine and difcipline of the gofpel (to wit) whether any queftions be moved concerning any point of doctrine? Whether the ecclefiaftical difcipline be duly obferved? Whe- ther any minifter be wanting inany of those churches, that a fufficient one in due time may be procured? Whether the other miniflers of publick charge in the church be appointed in every congregation ? Whether care be had of fchools, and for the poor? Finally, they are to be demanded wherein any of them needeth the advice of the conference, for the ad- vancement of the gofpel amougft them. Before the end of the meeting, if it (hall be fo thought good,by them, let one of the minifters affernbled in conference, either chofen by voice ,or taking it by .arn, preach publickly. Of his fpeech, let the reft judge. among ,themfelves (the elders ,being put apart) and admonith him bro- therly, if therebe any caufe, examining all things according to thofe rules that are before declared,in the chapter, concerning the things that are to be performed by thofe that preach. Of f nods. ASynod is the meeting of chofen men of many conferences: ,In them let let the whole treatife of difcipline be read : In them alfo (other things fir(t being finifhed, as was faid before) let all thofe that are prefent be con- s N 2 fured