Neal - Houston-Packer Collection BX9333 .N4 1754 v1

8 2 A P P E N D I X lured (if it may be done conveniently) and let them alto have a corn munion in and with the church where they were called. There are two forts of fynods ; the firft is particular, which corn. prehendeth both the provincial and national fynod. A provincial fvnod is the meeting of the chofen men of every conference, within the pro- vince. A province containeth four and twenty conferences. A fit way to call a provincial council may be, this: The care thereof (except themfelves will determine of it) may be committed to the parti- cular elderfhip of fume conference within the province; which by advice of the fame conference, may appoint the place and time for the meeting of the provincial fynod. To that churchor elderfhip are tobe fent the matters that feemed, to the particular conferences, more difficult for them to take order in, and fuch as belong to the churches of the whole province ; which is to be done di. ligently, and in good time, that the famemay, in due feafon, give notice of the place and time of the fynod, and of the matters to be debated therein ; that they which (hall be fent may come the better prepared, and judge of them according to the advice of the conferences. Two minifters, and as many elders, are to be Pent from every confe- rence unto the provincial fynod. The fame is to be held every half year, or oftner, till the difcipline be fettled. It is to be held three months be- fore every national fynod; that they may prepare and make ready thofe things that pertain to the national. The as of the provincial fynod are to be fent unto the national, by the elderfhip of that church in which it was holden ; and every minifter is to be furni(hed with a copy of them, and with the reafons of the fame. A national fynod, or convocation, is a meeting of the chofen men of every province, within the dominion of the fame nation and civil government. The way to call it (unlefs it (hall determine otherwife) may be the fame with the provincial, that is, by the elderfhip of forme particular church, which thall appoint the time and place of the next national convocation ; but pot otherwife than by the advice of their provincial fynod. Out of every provincial fynod there are to be chofen three minifters,. and as many elders, to be fent to the national. They are to handle the things pertaining to the churches of the whole nation or kingdom, as the doctrine, difcipline, ceremonies, things not decided by inferior meetings, appeals, and fuch like. By the order of the fame, one is to be appointed which may gather into one book the notes of every particular church. Thus much for particular meetings; the univeffal followeth, which is called a general, or.cecumenical council; which is a meeting ofthe chofen men of every national fynod. The alts of all fuch council are to be re- giftered and reported in a book. The