Neal - Houston-Packer Collection BX9333 .N4 1754 v1

A P P E N D ' X. 825 The difcipline, intitled, the Difcipline of the church, defcribed in the word of God, as far as we can judge, is taken and drawn from the molt pure fountain of the word of God ; and containeth in it the difcipline of the church that is neceffary; effential, and common to all ages of the church. The fynodical alto adjoined, as it refleth upon the fame foundations is likewife neceffary and perpetual; but as far as it is not exprefsly confirmed by authority of the holy fcripture, but is applied to the ufe and times of the church, as their divers flates may require, according to the ana- logy and general rules of the fame fcripture, is to be judged profitable for the churches that receive it, but may be changed in fuch things as belong not to the effence of the difcipline upon a like golly reafon, as the diverfe eftates of the church may require. The form of the fubfcription. (`H E brethren of the conference of N. whofe names are here under- 11 written, have fubfribed this difcipline after this manner : This dif- cipline we allow as á godly difcipline, and agreeable to the word of God (yet fo as we may be fatisfied in the things hereunder noted) and deface the fame fo acknowledged by us, to be furthered by all lawful means ; that by publick authority of the m'giftrate, and of our church, it may be efla- blifhed. Which thing, if it may be obtained of her right excellent majetly, and other the magiftrates of this kingdom, we promife that we will clo nothing againft it, whereby the publick peace of the church may be troubled. In the mean time we promife to obferve it fo far as it may be lawful for us fo to do, by the publick laws of this kingdom, and by the peace of our church. Na. Ill.