Neal - Houston-Packer Collection BX9333 .N4 1754 v1

ó22 A P P E N D I X. N° III. ARTICLES of RELIGION agreed upon by the arch- bithops and bithops, and the refs of the clergy of Ireland, in the convocation holden at Dublin in the the year of our Lord I615. for the avoiding of diverfities of opinions, and the eftablifhing of con- fent touching true religion. N. B In thefe articles are comprehended almoft word for word the nine articles agreed on at Lambeth the loth of November t 595. This mark f' in the margin points at each of them, and their number. Of the holyfcripture and the three creeds. THE ground of our religion, and the rule of faith, and all fa- ving truth, is the word of God, contained in the holy fcrip- ture. 2. By the name of holy fcripture we underfland all the canonical books of the old and new teflament, viz. The five books of Mo- fes, yofhua, Judges, Ruth, The firft and fecond of Samuel, The firft and fecondof Kings, Of the old teftament. The firft and fecond of Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Efiher, Job, Pfalms, Proverbs, Ecclejfafles, The Song of Solomon, IZaiah, Jeremiah, his prophefy and lamentation, Ezekiel, Daniel, The twelve lefs pro- phets. Of the new teftament. The gofpels according to Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Thediets of the 4p9Illes. The