Neal - Houston-Packer Collection BX9333 .N4 1754 v1

A P P E N D The epi/lle of St Paul to the Romans, The firft and fecond eple to the Corin- thians, Galatians, Ephè /ians, Philippians, Colfans, The firft and fecond epifile to the Thfalo- nians, The firft and fecond eglle to Timothy, Titus, Philemon, Hebrews, I X. 823 The epi.flle ofSt. lames, Ehe two epi files of St. Peter. The three eples of St. John, St. 7ude, The Revelation of St. John. All which we acknowledge to be given by the infpiration of God, and in that regard to be of molt certain credit and higheft authority. g. The other books, commonly called Apocryphal, did not proceed from fuch infpiration,and therefore are not of fufficient authority to efta- Ulilh any point of doárine ; but the church doth read them as books containing many worthy things for example of life and inftruûion of manners. The third book of Ef- dras, Thefourth book of Ef- dras, The book of Tobias, The book of udith, Additions to the book of Eu her, Such are thefe followin g. The book of Wfdom, The book of refus the fon of Sìraoh, called Ecclefiaflicus, Baruch, with the ep f tie of 7eremiab, The fong of the three children, Sufanna, Bell and the Dragon, Theprayer of Manafes, The iir/l bookof Mac- cabees, Thefecond book of Mac- cabees. 4. The fcriptures ought to be tranflated out of the original tongues into all languages, for the common life of all men. Neither is any petfon to be difconraged from reading the bible in fuch a language as he doth underftand, but ferioufly exhorted to read the famewith great hu- mility and reverence, as a fpecial means to bring him to the true know- ledge of God, and of his own duty. 5. Although there be tome hard things in the fcripture (efpecially fuch as have proper relation to the times in which they were firft uttered, and prophefies of things which were afterwards to be fulfilled) yet all things neceffary to be known unto everlafting falvation are clearly delivered therein ; and nothing of that kind is fpoken under darkmyfteries in one place,