Neal - Houston-Packer Collection BX9333 .N4 1754 v1

828 A P P E N D I X . place, which is not not in other places fpoken morefamiliarity and plain. ly to the capacity both of learned and unlearned. 6. The holy fcriptures contain all things neceffary to falvation, and are able to inftru t fufficiently in all points of faith that we are bound$ to believe, and all good duties that we are bound to pra Life. 7. All and every the articles contained in the nicene creed, the creed caf Althanafrus, and that which is commonly called the apoflles creed, ought firmly to be received and believed, for they may be proved by moft certain warrant of holy fcripture. Of faith in the holy trinity. 8. THERE is but one living and true God everlafting, without body, parts, or paffions, of infinite power, wifdom andgood- nefs ; the maker and preferver of all things, both vifible and invifible. And in unity of this godhead there be three perlons of one and the fame fubftance power and eternity, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghoft. g. The effence of the Father doth not beget the effence of the Son; but the perfon of the Father begetteth the perfori of the Son, by com- municating his whole effence to the perfon begotten from eternity. ro. TheHoly Ghoft proceeding from the Father and the Son, is of one fubftance majefty and glory, with the Father and the Son, very und eternal God. Of f Cod's eternal decree, and predejlination. r. O 17 from all eternity did, by his unchangeable counfel, or- dain whatfoever in time fhould come to pats ; yet fo, as there- by no violence is offered to the wills of the reafonable creatures, and nei- ther the liberty nor the contingency of the fecond caufes is taken away, but eftablifhed rather. 12. " By the fame eternal counfel God bath predeffinated force unto " life, and reprobated force unto death ; of both which there is a cer- " tain number, known only to God, which can neither be encreafed nor " diminilhed. 13. Predeftination to life is the.:everlafting purpofe of God wherebybe- fore the foundations of the world were laid, he bath conftantlydecreed in his fecret counfel, to deliver from curfe and damnation, thofe whom he bath chofen in Chrift out of mankind, and to bring them by Chrift unto everlafting falvation, as veffels made to honour. 54. " The