Neal - Houston-Packer Collection BX9333 .N4 1754 v1

A P P E N D I X . 829 54. " The caufe moving God to predeflinate unto life, is not the II. t " forefeeing of faith, or perfèverance, or of good works, or of any thing which is in the perfon predeftinated, but only the good pleafure of God " himfelf." For all things being ordained for the manifeflation of his glory, and his glory being to appear, both in the works of his mercy and of his juflice, it feemed good to his heavenly wifdom to choofe out a certain number, towards whom he would extend his undeferved mercy, leaving the rett to be fpeFtacles of his juflice. is. Such as are predeftinated unto life be called according unto God's purpofe. (his fpirit working in due feafon) and through grace they obey the calling, they be juftified freely ; they be made Ions of God by adoption ; they be made like the imageof his only begotten Son Jefus Chrift, they walk religioufly in good works, and at length by God's mercy theyattain to everlafting felicity. " But fuch as are not predeftinated to falvation IV. " fhall finally be condemned for their fins." 16. The godly confideration of predeftination, and our election in Chrift, is full of fweet, pleafant, and unfpeakable comfort to godly per- fons, and fuch as feel in themfelves the working of the fpirit of Chritt, mortifying the works of the flefh, and their earthly members, and draw- ing up their minds to high and heavenly things, as well becaufe it doth greatly confirm and eftablith their faithof eternal falvation to be enjoyed throughChrift, as becaufe it Both fervently kindle their love towards God ; and on the contrary fide, for curious and carnal perfons, lacking the fpi- rit of Chrift, to have continually before their eyes the fentence of God's predeftination, is very dangerous. 17. We muff receive God's promifes in fuch wife as they be generally fet forth unto us in holy fcripture ; and in our doings, that will of God is to be followed, which we have exprefsly declared unto us in the word of God. Of the creation and government of all things. 18. T N the beginning of time, when no creature had any being, God 1 by his word alone, in the fpace of fix days, created all things; and afterwards by his providence doth continue, propagate, and order them according to his own will. 19. The principal creatures are angels and men. 20. Of angels, Tome continued in that holy flate wherein they were created, and are by God's grace for ever eftablifhed therein ; others fell from the fame, and are referved in chains ofdarknefs unto the judgement of the great day. VOL. I. 5 0 2t.. Man