Neal - Houston-Packer Collection BX9333 .N4 1754 v1

A P P E N D I X . 28. God is not the author of fin ; howbeit he doth not only permit, but elfo by his provideuce govern and order the fame, guiding it in fuch fort by his infinite wifdom, as it turneth to the manifeftation of his own glory, and to the good of his cleft. Of Chrift, the mediator of thefecond covenant. 29. rrl HE Son, which is the Word of the Father, begotten from the everlafting of the Father, the true and eternal God, of one fubftance with the Father, took man's nature in the womb of the bleffed virgin, of her fubifance; fo that two whole and perfeft natures, that is to fay, the godhead and manhood, were infeparablyjoined in one perfon, making one Chrift, very God and very man. 30. Chrift, in the truth of our nature, was made like unto us in all things, fin only excepted, from which he was clearly void, both in his life and in his nature. He came as a lamb without fpot to take away the fins of the world, by the facrifice of himfelf once made, and fin (as St. fohn faith) was not in him. He fulfilled the law for us perfeftly ; for our fakes he endured molt grievous torments immediately in his foul, and moll painful fufferings in his body. He was crucified, and died to reconcile his Father unto us ; and to be a facrifice not only for original guilt, but alfo for all our aftual tranfgreffions. He was buried and def- cended into hell, and the third day rofe from the dead, end took again his body, with flefh, bones, and all things appertaining to the perfeftion of man's nature, wherewith he afcended into heaven, and there fit.. teth art the right hand of his Father, until he return to judge all men at the laft day. Of the communicating of the grace of Chri /l. 3" H E Y are to be condemned that prefume to fay, that every man (hall be faved by the law or felt which he profeffeth, fo that ne be diligent to frame his life according to that law, and the light of nature ; for holy fcripture doth let out unto. us only the name of Jefus Chrift whereby mec mutt be faved. 3 2. " None can come unto Chrift unlefs it be given unto him, and -III. " ° unlefs the draw bun, And all men are not fo drawn by the Father, " that they may come unto the Son ; neither is there fuch a fufficient VII. " meafure of grace vouchfafed unto every man, wherebyhe is enabled " to come unto everlafting life." 5 02 33. All