Neal - Houston-Packer Collection BX9333 .N4 1754 v1

834. A P P E N D I X . 42. The works which God would have his people to walk in, are filch as he hath commanded in his holy fcripture, and not fuch works as men have deviled out of their own brain, of a blind zeal and devotion, with- out the warrant of the word of God. 43. The regenerate cannot fulfil the law of Godperfelly in this life, for in many things we offend all ; and if we fay we have no fin we de- ceive ourfelves, and the truth is not in us. 44. Not every heinous fin willingly committed after baptifwn, is fin againd the Holy Ghod and unpardonable ; and therefore to loch as fall into fin after baptifm, place for repentance is not to be denied. 45. Voluntary works, befides over and above God's commandments, which they call works of fupererogation, cannot be taught without ar- rogancy and impiety; for by them men do declare, that they do not on- ly render. unto God as much as they are bound to do, but that they-do more for his fake than of bounden duty is required. Of the fervice of God. 46. ®U R duty towards God is to believe in him, to fear him, and to love him with all our heart, with all our mind and with all our foul, and with all our drength ; to worfhip him and to give him thanks, to put our whole truly in him, to call upon him, to honour his holy name and his word, and to ferve him truly all the days of our life. 47. In all our neceflities we ought to have recourfe unto God by pray- er,- alluring ourfelves, that whatfoever we afk of the Father in the name of his Son (our only Mediator and Interceffor) Chrift Jefus, and accord- ing to his will, he will undoubtedly grant it. 48. We ought to prepare our hearts before we pray, and underhand the things that we alb when we pray, that both our hearts and voices may together found in the ears of God's majefty. 49. WhenAlmighty God fmiteth us with afiiiétion, or fotne great ca- lamity hangeth over us, or any other weightycaufe fo requireth, it is our duty to humble ourfelves in fading, to bewail our fins with a forrowful heart, and to addi& ourfelves to earned prayer, that it might pleafe God to turn his wrath from us, or fupply us with fuch graces as we greatly hand in need off. 5o. Fading is a with-holding of meat, drink, and all natural food, with other outward delights, from the body, for the determined time of fading. " As for thofe abdinencies which are, appointed by public " order of our date, for eating of fifh, and forbearing of flefh at certain " times and days appointed, they are no ways meant to be religious fads, " nor